We are grateful to our generous sponsors who have contributed scholarships for the Kallah and the development of new programs at TMI.

A sponsorship of $1,000 helps us fund the Kallah Scholarship program and the development of new programs at TMI.

You will receive a ticket to the Kallah for yourself and a coupon code to invite 1 other person who has never attended the Kallah in the past.

We Are Grateful for Our Anshei Emet Sponsors

Sandy and Barbara 2

Sandy and Barbara Greenstein: Sandy is Co-President of the Board of Directors. Sandy and Barbara live in Thousand Oaks, CA.

Kathy holding her brother.

Kathy Jacobs with her father and five of her eight siblings. An active Mussar facilitator, Kathy sums up her experience with, "Mussar makes me happy." She lives in Iowa City, IA.

Lesley Levin

Lesley Levin and her husband of 50 years, Mark Levin. Lesley and Mark live in Bloomington, IN.

Ellen and Irv

Ellen and Irv Robinson: Irv is Co-President of the Board of Directors. Ellen and Irv live near Kansas City, MO.