Four Sessions
Starts in March
Tuition: This series is free to Rabbis who commit to bringing these programs to their congregation or organization.
Applications Once registration for the Spring Series opens, applicants will be notified within two weeks of registration.
Questions: Contact Eric Gurvis:
As a Rabbi, are you looking for a way to bring more spirituality to your community?
The Mussar Rabbinic Facilitation Series is an opportunity to experience nuances of Mussar facilitation and prepare to lead TMI courses and programs in your congregation.
You'll receive a practical introduction to the transformative teachings and practices of Mussar. Through contemplative practices, small group discussions, chants, and readings, you will find greater balance and wholeness in all areas of life. Mussar, an authentic Jewish spiritual path, is suitable for all, regardless of the level of Jewish or Hebrew knowledge. The source text is Everyday Holiness by Alan Morinis. You'll be prepared to facilitate:

Your Instructors
Eric Gurvis is Director of Chaverim at The Mussar Institute. He is a graduate of SUNY-Albany and was ordained at the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. Eric has served congregations in New York City; Jackson, MS; Teaneck, NJ; Newton, MA; and is currently the rabbi of Sha'arei Shalom in Ashland, MA. Eric facilitates Mussar groups throughout the Greater Boston area and in Western Massachusetts. He and his wife, Laura Kizner Gurvis are blessed with four children and two young grandsons.

Jen Gubitz was ordained at HUC-JIR in New York and trained in chaplaincy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She is a member of the Temple Israel clergy in Boston, MA, after serving four years at Temple Shir Tikva in Wayland, MA. Her work focuses on developing innovative educational engagement, Mussar learning, and relationship building. She has been a Legislative Assistant at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism and as the Hochberg Israel Education Fellow at Hillel’s Schusterman International Center.