Inner Ladder

Inner Ladder: Continuing Mussar Steps is the continuation program for those who have completed either Seeking Everyday Holiness or Gates of Everyday Holiness.

Groups continue to study as a va’ad, and also in chevruta study pairs, with a focus on six middotgenerosity, enthusiasm, silence, compassion, lovingkindness, and gratitude.


You’ll receive:

  • A variety of texts from both modern and traditional Mussar sources
  • Discussion questions to help deepen your own understanding or to guide study with a partner
  • Extensive suggestions and guidance for a consistent personal Mussar practice
  • Short Mussar quotations to be used for reciting and chanting and to lead group discussions
  • Stories and personal experiences relating to each middah

By purchasing the program materials, you agree not to re-sell or share to any individual or group outside of your congregation/organization, all materials are copyrighted by The Mussar Institute.

  • All congregations/organizations who have already purchased one of the programs above – $350 for materials/facilitator guide

This program is available for purchase by TMI-trained facilitators offering this program through their synagogue, JCC, or their personal LLC. Ownership of the perpetual license can be the organization or the individual. Trained facilitators must be in agreement with their organization as to who will own the license before purchase.

Organizations who make a purchase without already having a TMI-trained facilitator can hire one by requesting the list of available facilitators from TMI and must contract with a facilitator for hire before receiving the program materials. Such organizations must arrange all logistics and payments directly with the facilitator for hire. To request the list, please email