Messilat Yesharim

This advanced course offers an in-depth, guided study of the classical Mussar text Messilat Yesharim with Avi Fertig, focusing on making its teachings relevant to modern life.

Courses (46)

Level: Advanced |

Recommended Experience: Two Years of Mussar Studies |

| Format: Small Group | 6 Sessions |

Course Overview:

Have you struggled with ancient, classical Mussar texts and wished you had some real guidance for making the study relevant to your life? Have you been longing for a new advanced Mussar experience? You now have the opportunity to study the classical Mussar text, Messilat Yesharim / Path of The Just, written by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal) and first published in Amsterdam in 1740 with one of our revered teachers, Avi Fertig.

When Reb Zundel of Salant (the rebbe of Rabbi Yisroel Salanter) asked his rebbe, Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin which Mussar text to study, Reb Chaim replied, “Every Mussar text is good to learn, but Messilat Yesharim should be your guide.” In this intermediate level course, you will study the text line by line and in-depth from the original Hebrew and will cover the Ramchal’s introduction and first chapter of this most seminal work.

From this course, we recommend Path of the Soul I-II by Alan Morinis, which takes participants through the entire Messilat Yesharim text.

Format and Delivery:

Messilat Yesharim is available in va’ad-based format (currently our waiting list is open and we will schedule the next group when we reach our minimum enrollment), or for independent learning without a va’ad or chevruta. 13 lessons are split into two parts in the va’ad-based version led by an advanced TMI Mussar facilitator. Those studying independently can progress through the entire course at their own pace.

Participants must have their own text of Messilat Yesharim. This course NOT follow any of the many English translations. Avi has translated the original Hebrew words according to his understanding. You can download the text from one of the following sites:


Self-paced Course -$300

Members (Chaverim) Rate - $255


Va'ad Based Live Course:

  • Tier 1 – $330 Part I, $385 Part II
  • Tier 2 – $282 Part I, $329 Part II
  • Tier 3 – $198 Part I, $231 Part II


Learn About Our Tier Pricing Here.

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Chaverim members enjoy a 15% discount off of course pricing. Please select the Chaverim rate of your choice on your registration form, membership will be verified before your enrollment is secured for the course.

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Course Author

Rabbi Avi Fertig is Chief Programming Officer at The Mussar Institute. Avi has guided TMI courses since 2010. He is the author of Bridging the Gap, a comprehensive guide to important Mussar concepts and lessons from the Talmud. Born in the United States, for the past 25 years he has resided in Israel and currently lives in Beit Shemesh with his wife and six children.