We Surveyed Our Community

In the summer of 2020, we analyzed the reports of 345 of our community members to learn how Mussar impacts one's daily life and experiences. More than half of our respondents have taken three or more courses and nearly all had taken at least one.

We Learned

Personal Experience

  • 97% agree or strongly agree that Mussar has made a positive difference in their lives.
  • 89% report a positive increase in the middah of gratitude, which has been shown by recent science to lead to an increase in happiness.  
  • 88% report a growing awareness of an ethical stance in response to life's challenges, and
  • 75% say Mussar provides a clearer sense of purpose.

Relationships with Others

  • 81% agree or strongly agree that Mussar has made a positive difference in relationships with friends and other communities.
  • 78% of our respondents report positive changes in their closest relationships.
  • 75% report positive changes with their family members.



  • 83% of our respondents report a deeper connection to Judaism. 
  • 80% report a deeper connection to G-d as they would define her/him/it.

You Reported

"Mussar gave me the spiritual tools I needed to lift myself out of depression, and continues to give me the spiritual grounding to lead a life of purpose, meaning, and right action."         

"I gave up anger and learned how to live with intention."     

"The study of the middot has had a profound positive effect on my relationships, personal growth, and mental health."  

"I now have a fuller Jewish context for what unfolds. I feel an intergenerational connection by studying specific rabbinic teachings. I love being connected to my Jewish roots on a daily basis. I am spending concentrated time immersed in Mussar thinking and action."      

"Mussar has helped me more clearly define my relationship with G-d and with my sense of spirituality in a Jewish context. Defining my spirituality in Jewish terms is very important to me."