
Guiding the Way: FDC - TMI Facilitator Development Council

The Facilitator Development Council (FDC) is a group of dedicated volunteer leaders at TMI focused on the professional development and enrichment of TMI Mussar va'ad facilitators.

Council Co-Chairs:

Evie Weinstein (1)

Evie Weinstein, Co-Chair

Harvey Winokur

Harvey Winokur, Co-chair, Yesod Trainer

Council Members:

Nancy Weiss
Nancy Weiss, Manchim Trainer
Ronnie Dubrowin
Ronnie Dubrowin
susan Goldberg Schwartz
Susan Goldberg Schwartz
Helaine Sheias
Helaine Sheias
Fisher headshot
Alan Fisher
Gali Ettner-Levkovitz
Calyah Chanah Isaacs

Membership Details:

TMI Chaverim (members): Free!

Non-TMI Chaverim (Non-members): $18 per year

Membership year commences on July 1, 2024.

For any inquiries or support, reach out to the Facilitator Development Council (FDC) at FDC@mussarinstitute.org, and a dedicated volunteer will assist you.