Hanukkahf KALLAH 2022 (1)


The Kallah Schedule is a living document as the three-day event takes shape. Please check back as the schedule will be updated frequently.

Sunday, 1/30/2022, Eastern Time Zone

11:00 - 11:09

11:45 -12:15

12:15 - 1:15

1:15 - 2:30

2:30 - 4:05

4:05 - 4:25

4:25 - 5:25

5:25 - 6:25

6:25 -7:00

7:00 - 7:45

7:45 - 8:00


Live. Opening Session: Avi Fertig, Alan Morinis, Irv Robinson, Sandy Greenstein


Study Sessions: Rivy Kletenik, Rabbi Haber, Eric Gurvis


Va'adim 1


Workshops #1


General Session

Debrief Discussions

General Session Closing


Monday, 1/30/ 2022 Eastern Time Zone

10:15 - 10:45 Mussar Prayer Session 1

11:00 - 12:10 General Session

12:10 - 12:25 Break

12:25 - 1:25 Networking Sessions

1:25 - 2:30 Break

2:30 - 2:50 – General Session, Introduction to the Va'adim

2:50 - 4:05 Vaadim Session 2

4:05 - 4:25 Break

4:25 - 5:25 Workshops

  • Movement – Joni Brenner
  • Text Study – Judith Edelstein
  • Chanting
  • Focused Shmooze room:
  • Creative Expression
  • Mussar Practice

5:25 - 6:25 Break

6:25 - 7:00 General Session

7:00 - 7:45 Breakout Discussions

7:45 - 8:00 General Session

8:00 - 9:00 – “Optional L’chaim

Tuesday, 2/1/2022, Eastern Time Zone

Tuesday, Feb. 1

10:15 - 10:45 Mussar Prayer Practice

11:00 - 12;25 General Session with Israel Reel

12:25 - 12:30 Break

12:30 -1:30 Workshops #3

  • Movement
  • Text Study
  • Chanting
  • Focused Shmooze Room
  • Creative Expression
  • Mussar Practice

1:30 - 2:15 Break

2:15 - 3:25 General Session with Panel

3:25 - 3:40 Break

3:40 - 4:10 General Session

4:10 - 5:25 Va'adim

5:25 - 5:40 Break

5:40 - 5:55 Live

5:55 - 6:00 Break

6:00 - 7:00 Live Closing Session