Middah a Month
A Course by Avi Fertig
Course Overview:
MIDDAH A MONTH is a customizable, self-study program that offers a deep dive into fundamental middot and Mussar practice. You'll receive study materials in your email inbox at the top of each month.
The packets include texts that reflect modern and traditional Mussar sources, kabbalot for daily Mussar practice, morning phrases, chants, and more.
Design your course by selecting any or all of the following middot in any order:
- Attentive listening/Shmiat Ha Ozen
- Compassion/Rachamim
- Enthusiasm/Zerizut
- Equanimity/Menuchat Ha’Nefesh
- Generosity/Nedivut
- Gratitude/Hakarat Ha’Tov
- Holiness/Kedusha
- Honor/Kavod
- Humility/Anavah
- Joy/Simcha
- Love/Ahava
- Order/Seder
- Patience/Savlanut
- Trust/Bitachon
- Silence/Shmirat Ha Lashon
- Contemplative Silence/Shtikah
- Friendship/Chaveirut
Format and Delivery:
Independent Study (1 to 17 lessons)
Monthly Lessons (1st of each month)
Tuition: $21/month (1 middah) or $214/year (12 middot)
Members (Chaverim) Rate:
Course Author
Avi Fertig, Director of Mussar at The Mussar Institute has guided TMI courses since 2010. He is the author of Bridging the Gap, a comprehensive guide to important Mussar concepts and lessons from the Talmud. Born in the United States, for the past 25 years he has resided in Israel and currently lives in Beit Shemesh with his wife and six children.