Yesod: Foundational Training in Mussar Facilitation
Trainer: Harvey Winokur, Director of Yesod
Yesod is an introductory, six-session course for Jewish individuals who plan to offer TMI programs, such as Seeking Everyday Holiness, in synagogues and organizations. Participants study and practice foundational middot that illustrate Mussar insight and methods.
Yesod Application Deadline Extended to 2/14!
- Completion of at least one va'ad-based course such as Pathway to the Inner Life Part I
- A committed and ongoing personal Mussar practice that includes regular study in a va'ad-based course
- Application Fee: $25. Non-refundable plus $325 for the program. Payment in full of $350 must be made prior to the start.
- For those who receive notice of acceptance into the program, details will be provided on how to make the tuition payment.
Graduates Receive
- A certificate of completion from The Mussar Institute and a one-year membership in the Facilitator Network.
- Tuesdays, 7 pm ET, 2/21-3/28/2023 with trainer Rabbi Harvey Winokur
Get Started
- Submit the Basic Interest in Yesod form.
- You'll receive (1) a reference form and (2) a more in-depth application form. Please submit these and your resume to
Please allow 2-3 weeks for your completed application to be processed and a decision to be delivered to you by email. This is a selective process.
Option Two
Trainer: Nancy Weiss, Director of Manchim
Manchim is for Jewish individuals who are already deeply engaged in their Mussar work with TMI, and possess a sincere desire to help others on their spiritual paths. It is for people who are interested in facilitating TMI courses and programs and committed to staying engaged in their professional development. Successful completion enables you to facilitate all TMI courses you have personally taken, from the beginning to the advanced levels.
Manchim will require up to four hours per week of study and meeting activities, including participation in your va’ad and meeting with your chevruta. You will write reports and post them on the course site.
The training is an interactive, experiential program that takes place in two phases:
Dates: The group will meet Tuesdays beginning in late February. The time will be set based on cohort availability.
Applications: The application period is open with an application deadline of 2/7/2023.
Practicum: The practicum includes supervised trainee facilitation of Pathway to the Inner Life Parts I and II.
Graduates Receive A certificate from The Mussar Institute and a one-year membership in the Facilitator Network.
Prerequisites: Have a committed and ongoing personal Mussar practice that includes regular journaling for at least one year, regular and ongoing Mussar middot and chevruta study, whether within a course or independently, and previous experience as a member of a Mussar va'ad for at least one year. Eligible candidates must have also completed at least A Season of Mussar I and II or Pathway to the Inner Life I-III and one intermediate/advanced level course series such as Chaburah I and II, Mussar in Action, or Path of the Soul I and II. Candidates in special circumstances who have equivalent experience in Mussar study will be given consideration on a case-by-case basis. The application process includes a long application form, a letter of reference, and an interview.
- Application Fee: $25. Non-refundable plus $475 for the program. Payment in full of $500 must be made prior to the start.
- For those who receive notice of acceptance into the program, details will be provided on how to make the tuition payment.
Get Started
- Submit the Manchim basic application.
- You'll receive (1) a reference form and (2) a more in-depth application form. Please submit these and your resume to
- Engage in an interview with the Manchim leader.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for your completed application to be processed and a decision to be delivered to you by email. This is a selective process.
Harvey Winokur
Rabbi Winokur is Co-Director of the Facilitator Development Council and Director of Yesod. He is a native of New York. He received his B.A. from SUNY at Buffalo, and his M.A. and Ordination from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Kehillat Chaim, a Reform congregation in Roswell, Georgia, which he founded in 1982. Rabbi Winokur is a Facilitator/Trainer for Prepare-Enrich, an organization that administers premarital/marital needs assessments, a certified Spiritual Director, and an active trainer and facilitator for The Mussar Institute.
Nancy Weiss
Nancy Weiss, LCSW, is a depth psychotherapist, spiritual director, and Mussar facilitator dedicated to helping others discover unique pathways to their soul’s expression. Nancy is a member of TMI’s Facilitator Development Council and Coordinator of Manchim after working closely with Alan to create the Manchim curriculum. Nancy collaborated with two Mussar practitioners to create a deck of 90 Mussar cards titled, “Lights of Mussar™ Cards for Creating a Balanced Life.” A collage artist, poet, and SoulCollage® facilitator, Nancy guides people in bringing an expressive voice to the Mussar traits and spiritual principles.