People standing forming the shape of a heart

BECOMING ONE - Week 1 (April 23-29)

Kavod: Nurturing Self Honor

Choose Your Challenge:

Focusing on honoring self as a foundation for personal growth, here are seven easy-to-do challenges:

Choose a challenge from the list or make up your own!


1. Daily Gratitude Journal: Take a few minutes each day to write down three things you're grateful for about yourself or your life.

2. Positive Affirmations: Repeat a positive affirmation about yourself each morning, such as "I am worthy of love and respect."

3. Self-Care Ritual: Dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to a self-care activity that brings you joy and relaxation, whether it's taking a bath, reading a book, or going for a walk.

Download & Print Daily Tracker

4. Reflect on Achievements: Spend time reflecting on your past achievements and acknowledge the hard work and dedication that led to them.

5. Set Boundaries: Identify one area where you need to set healthier boundaries, whether it's in relationships, work, or personal time, and take a step towards enforcing those boundaries.

6. Practice Self-Compassion: When facing challenges or setbacks, practice self-compassion by being kind to yourself and acknowledging that mistakes are part of growth.

7. Celebrate Yourself: Each day, acknowledge one positive trait or quality about yourself and celebrate it, whether it's your creativity, resilience, or kindness towards others.

Gather Together:

Join us at our LIVE online events (Zoom links will be sent to participants before the webinars, and recordings will be sent afterward):


Challenge Launch with Alan Morinis

Kavod/Honor - Sunday, April 21st, at 2:00 pm ET


Mid Challenge with Avi Fertig

Achrayut/Responsibility - Tuesday, May 14, at 2:00 pm ET


Challenge Conclusion with Eric Gurvis

Achdut/Unity - Sunday, June 9, at 2:00 pm ET

Omer Themes (6)

Deepen The Learning:

Featuring the Weekly Omer Essay - "Who Can We Be?" - by Naomi Wittlin - Read Here


Read Our Community Omer Reflections - Here