People standing forming the shape of a heart

BECOMING ONE - Week 6 (5/28 - 6/3)

Gevurah - Supporting Strength in Others

Choose Your Challenge:

Focusing on supporting strength in others as a foundation for personal growth, here are seven easy-to-do challenges:

Choose a challenge from the list or make up your own!


1. Offer Encouragement: Take time each day to offer words of encouragement and support to someone who may be facing challenges or striving towards a goal.

2. Active Listening: Practice active listening in your interactions with others, giving them your full attention and validating their thoughts and feelings.

3. Provide Assistance: Offer practical help or assistance to someone in need, whether it's helping with a task, offering guidance, or simply being there to lend a listening ear.

Download & Print Daily Tracker

4. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments and strengths of others, showing genuine appreciation for their efforts and contributions.

5. Share Resources: Share helpful resources, articles, or tools with others that may support their personal or professional growth and development.

6. Express Gratitude: Take time to express gratitude to those who have supported and inspired you, acknowledging the impact of their strength and encouragement in your life.

7. Be a Positive Influence: Be a positive influence in your social circles or communities by promoting kindness, empathy, and encouragement, creating a supportive environment for growth and resilience.

Gather Together:

Join us at our LIVE online events (Zoom links sent to participants prior to the webinars):


Challenge Launch with Alan Morinis

Kavod/Honor - Sunday, April 21st, at 2:00 pm ET


Mid Challenge with Avi Fertig

Achrayut/Responsibility - Tuesday, May 14, at 2:00 pm ET


Challenge Conclusion with Eric Gurvis

Achdut/Unity - Sunday, June 9, at 2:00 pm ET

Omer Themes (8)

Deepen The Learning:

Featuring the Weekly Omer Essay - "Supporting Strength/Gevurah in Ourselves and others" - by Helaine Sheias - Read Here

Read Our Community Omer Reflections - Here

Dive deep into our weekly theme with thought-provoking essays featuring reflection questions, offering a transformative growth experience. In addition to or in place of the daily challenge, set a personal goal, identify barriers, and take practical steps toward achievement.

Share Your Journey: Reflect on your progress and share with the community. Sharing experiences fosters wisdom and mutual support on our paths of growth.

What goal have you set? Update us on your progress, accomplishments, and personal growth journey.

Please email your reflections to Helaine: