
The NEW "Pathway to The Inner Life"

Has it been a while since you were in a Mussar va’ad?

Are you missing having a regular spiritual space in which you get to process your life?


Lech Lecha! Return to a Mussar Va’ad at a reduced tuition, this summer, with the New and Improved Pathway to the Inner Life Course offered at a special rate to anyone who has previously taken a TMI Va’ad-Based Course.


Rewritten with an eye for inclusivity and accessibility, the New and Improved Pathway Course offers engaging and sensitive language, an improved and user-friendly structure, and multiple learning options and modalities to enhance different learning styles, all within the framework of genuine Mussar.


In this New and Improved version of Pathways, you will have the opportunity to cycle through some foundational middot (as per the Mussar tradition), deepening your Mussar learning, understanding, and practice in sacred va’ad space with the expert guidance of our longtime Pathway facilitators. We know that you will grow your awareness and wisdom, transform your sense of your own inner nature, deepen relationships with those closest to you, and explore your engagement with Divine Presence.


The New and Improved Pathway to the Inner Life is a course in three parts, intended to be taken sequentially. Each part includes four middot lessons which are bookended by a Welcome & Orientation Va’ad to prepare the va’ad for the learning, as well as an Integration Va’ad to seal in the learning and transition to the next part of the course.

A Three-Part Course:

  • Part I: Connecting Self and Soul
  • Part II: Transforming Relationships
  • Part III: Engaging Divine Presence


In all three parts, you will experience Mussar learning through text study, discussion and integration, experiential learning, and personal practice. Additionally, you have the chance to study on your own and to explore our new and improved chevruta materials with a study partner.



Each course offers six va’ad sessions in which four middot are covered through the lens of a particular theme. Each of these va’adim is facilitated by an expert TMI facilitator via Zoom.

Meet Your Facilitators:

Chasya Uriel Steinbauer

Rabbi Chasya Uriel Steinbauer has been on this path of Mussar and facilitating Mussar groups since she met Alan in 2001. She taught Mussar at the JCC Manhattan from 2005 - 2013 and between 2008 - 2011 coordinated TMI'S Manchim Advanced Facilitator Training program. She has rabbinic leadership certification from Drisha Institute, an Orthodox women's yeshiva. In 2009, she founded the first egalitarian Mussar va'ad in Jerusalem at the Conservative Yeshiva. Currently, she directs the Kehilat Mussar Mindfulness at the Institute for Holiness in Israel, which she founded.

Jason Winston

Jason was born and raised in Los Angeles and has lived in Riverside, CA since 1998. He is a long-term student of Mussar who facilitates many va'adim both at his temple and for The Mussar Institute.  Jason has served as the editor of the Yashar, TMI's monthly newsletter since 2012.  He has served on the Board of Directors of his congregation for more than 15 years.

Jeffrey Amer

Jeffrey Amer's journey with Mussar began over 20 years ago when he delved into its principles. Recognizing the crucial role of practice, he pursued further learning at The Mussar Institute, completing numerous courses, including advanced facilitator training. Jeffrey has since led many courses, such as Pathways, fueled by his ongoing excitement and passion to share the enriching experience of Mussar with spiritually hungry souls.

Part I: Connecting Self and Soul

In the Jewish perspective, the soul is the primary essence of who we are. In following the path of Mussar to build our inner lives, we have to come to appreciate the difference between "self” and “soul”, and in the first part of this three-part course, we bring these ideas to bear by focusing on four inner traits (middot) that with deeper understanding and balance, can give us insight into and brighten the light of our soul. These are: Humility/Anavah, Simplicity/Histapkut, Strength/Gevurah, and Alacrity/Zerizut.

Part II: Transforming Relationships

Our relationships are where "the rubber hits the road. " Too often, our relationships with those closest to us are the most problematic. In this course, we will explore four middot which tend to be most intimately linked with relationships and our ability to transform and balance them. We'll study Patience/Savlanut, Anger/Ka’as, Lovingkindness/Chesed, and Forgiveness/Selicha.

Part III: Engaging Divine Presence

In this portion of Pathway to The Inner Life, we open space for you to deepen your personal relationship to Divine Presence and come to understand the context of personal growth in relationship to your spiritual life. You will explore the middot of Gratitude/Hakarat Ha’tov, Trust/Bitachon, Honor/Kavod, and Faith/Emunah.



Part I - Sessions / Facilitators:

  • Jeffrey Amer, Thursdays, 12:00-1:30pm ET (5/30/24, 6/6/24, 6/20/24, 7/11/24, 7/25/24, 8/1/24).
  • Chasya Steinbauer, Mondays, 1:30-3:00pm ET (6/3/24, 6/10/24, 6/24/24, 7/8/24, 7/22/24, 8/5/24).
  • Jason Winston, Sundays, 2:00-3:30pm ET (6/30/24, 7/7/24, 7/21/24, 8/4/24, 8/18/24, 8/25/24).

Part II - Session/Facilitators*:

  • Jeffrey Amer
  • Chasya Steinbauer
  • Jason Winston

* Will begin in the fall of 2024 - exact dates tbd

Part III - Sessions / Facilitators*:

  • Jeffrey Amer
  • Chasya Steinbauer
  • Jason Winston

*Will begin in late winter/early spring of 2024 - exact dates tbd


Tuition per Part (Special Rate Available*):

  • Tier 1  - $330
  • Tier 2 - $282
  • Tier 3 - $198

Learn about our tier pricing here.

Enjoy a 15% discount using Coupon Code: Pathway Re-Take (case sensitive)

Chaverim members enjoy an additional 15% discount off of course pricing. Please select the Chaverim rate of your choice on your registration form, membership will be verified before your enrollment is secured. We invite everyone to become a Chaver/Chavera - Join Here.


*All course fees are 100% tax deductible.

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