LIVE ONLINE Courses - Engage in real-time learning!

Live Va'ad (Group) Classes - BEGINNERS

Join one of our Va'ad (Live Group) Based Courses for interactive, real-time learning with expert guidance and peer engagement.

Course in progress

Coming in summer of 2024

What Students say about our live group courses:

"The open, honest, vulnerable sharing, really helped me in my personal growth." 

"It’s like doing self-help but not on your own. You don’t feel alone and working on yourself. You’re not the only one dealing with these things."

"There are not many areas where you can be both vulnerable, and gain strength. I think this class offers that."

"The ability to be vulnerable in a safe space is one of the greatest gifts of this course."

Live Classes with Leading Teachers

Course in Progress

Live Classes - ADVANCED

Course in Progress

Live Va'ad (Group) Classes - ADVANCED

Join one of our Va'ad (Live Group) Based Courses for interactive, real-time learning with expert guidance and peer engagement.

Course in Progress

Waiting List Open

Waiting List Open

Waiting List Open

Waiting List Open

Waiting List Open